
Solar Pool Heating Powered By The Sun!


Thermal Pool Heating PACKAGES...

Starting at


No Solar Controller

Only $3,425
With Solar Controller...

* 8 Pool Panels System

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the single most cost effective use of solar energy in many climates is...  you guessed it solar pool heating!

As you probably know Photovoltaic systems convert the sun’s light into usable energy through solar panels and inverters that convert that energy back to the grid and / or store in it a battery back up system.  Solar thermal systems are different in that they generate energy by capturing and boosting the sun’s heat. Heliocol says is best when trying to explain this at its most basic level "Have you ever turned on a garden hose left in the sun and felt warm or hot water pouring out? That’s solar thermal water heating at its most basic level."


This concept can cost efficiently and safely be used used for heating your pool or hot water for you home with the sun!

Some Of The  Many Benefits Of Solar Pool Heating...

  • Increase your solar pool time by 3 months! Use your pool year round with thermal heat!
  • Solar Pool heating can offer thermal pain management for athletes, after a workout, or for achy muscles!
  • Heat you pool with Free energy from the sun!
  • Can be tied to an existing heat pump to minimize your electrical heat Energy Costs!

We love and use the Heliocol  & Sunstar Solar Pool Heating Technology with our installation packages!

Call us to find out more 954-667-9711



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